Friends of Gary Rucci
I am privileged and blessed to have forged some great friendships over the years. These people have been and continue to be my mentors, teachers, teammates, counsellors, and colleagues. I want you to know a little bit about them. They helped me, maybe they can help you too.
Mal Fletcher
Mal is a futurist, social commentator, author, and prophet. When I first met Mal in 1989, he was the National Director for Youth Alive Australia, the movement he founded. I served on his team in Victoria, and to this day remain good friends. On a personal level, he has helped me unpack difficult questions, navigate challenging seasons, and has continued to prophesy into my life at critical times.
In 1994 he and his wife Davina, relocated to Copenhagen, Denmark and later to Oxfordshire, England, a move many considered to be foolish at the time. Many in Australia didn’t view him as a missionary. In fact, church leaders still find it hard to define and describe what Mal does. He is unique. His ability to communicate gospel truths to a post-Christendom audience is outstanding.
He has authored at least 10 books, and in my opinion ‘Pioneer Spirit’ (2002) embodies who Mal Fletcher is. There are many things he has pioneered, initiated, or catalyzed, that will continue to influence thousands of people for decades to come.
He founded Next Wave International and Euro Youth Events in the mid-90s and for a decade I was privileged to serve as his Australasian rep. In 2008 he founded 2020Plus, an organization they assists companies, charity, churches and civic authorities navigate and adapt to social and cultural change and ‘get ahead of the curve’. This group has since evolved to become 2030Plus.
Mal has a brilliant mind. He is a diligent researcher, and one of the best communicators on the planet. His social commentary has regular appeared on BCC World News, BBC Breakfast, BBC Radio and Sky News. You can access most of his articles for free on

Ian Green
Ian is a leadership coach, networker, entrepreneur, and author. His various church planting, leadership development, and community transformation exploits bear testimony of his apostolic gifting. I have known Ian and his wife Judith for more than 30 years. We first met in the 90’s when Ian travelled regularly to Australia to speak for Youth Alive and in various churches and conferences. We have worked on a few projects together including church planting in eastern Europe through Next Level International, community transformation projects through Proton Foundation, and leading missional think tanks and forums with AOGGB.
Ian is a man of faith, what I mean is, he carries the ‘gift of faith’ as outlined by Paul in 1Corinthians. He is contagious when he speaks about vision, pioneering new initiatives, believing for individual or corporate breakthrough, embracing change, or generating income. He is one of the most resourceful leaders I have ever met. Ian has a couple of axioms that have always challenged me to think bigger – “There’s got to be a better way” and “You will never have enough resource for the dream God has placed in you, so believe for more”. By the way, he has more than two axioms!
Ian has been a listening ear when I’ve struggled with disappointments in leadership, and he has been a font of wisdom when I’ve been stuck in seasons of change. Ian is highly relational, generous, and thoughtful. He is brilliant at walking alongside a leader for a season – he encourages, challenges, questions, and reaffirms their journey. He is a high quality coach and mentor. His only bad quality – he is a Manchester United supporter! You can contact Ian here
Alan Hirsch
In 2007, while serving in a megachurch and asking new questions about the nature of discipleshio and mission, I read a copy of Alan’s book, ‘The Forgotten Ways – reactivating the missional church’. This triggered a reading frenzy of other authors – Bosch, Guder, Mancini, Minatrea, Roxburgh, van Gelder and Woodward. I spend a lot of money on books (unfortunately I don’t like reading digital copies, I like paper)! By the way, the revised version of The Forgotten Ways is my preferred read (link book review). The essence of the book, which is also central to Alan’s primary contribution to the global church, is six core elements of mDNA (m = movement).
Alan is an apostle and teacher with an intelligent mind and an adventurous spirit. A quick google search will reveal how many organisations he has founded and where he is still engaged as a thought leader or mentor. He has authored award-winning books and co-authored several more.
We first met in Germany at a leadership roundtable, discussing the future of the church in Europe. I was serving in a denominational role in the UK at the time and asking the question, ‘can a denomination, rediscover its roots and become missional again?’ As always Alan was extremely helpful and practical. Since then, we have met many times and served together on a few projects. He continues to expand my thinking, inspire my plans, and encourage my faith. You can keep in touch with Alan here: and

Nick Resce
Nick has walked with me through some of the most difficult seasons of my life. Nick has been my boss, mentor, counsellor, advocate, and friend since 1989, when we both had more hair! Not only that he has also mentored and championed my wife in the development of her leadership and prophetic gift.
Nick has served in three denominations, pioneered churches, served in executive roles in megachurches and denominations, led campuses, established new church properties, and developed multiple training programs. Primarily he is a prophet. His ability to discern the time and know what action to take, is incredible. I have seen him rescue churches from closure, revitalize leader’s vision, and reposition leaders and teams into more effective roles.
Nick has never been given to self-promotion. He flies beneath the radar, content to serve and help where he is asked to and where he feels he can make a difference. He comes alongside a leader, church, or denomination for a season, and helps them embrace what God is saying and doing. If you think Nick can help you, like he has helped me, please contact me here [link]
Bree Mills and the Micro Movements Team
I have the privilege of serving alongside Bree Mills and the newly formed Micro Movements team. Bree is an apostolic pastor, innovative leader, and coach. She is a proven practitioner in developing disciple-making spaces and the planting of new expressions of church. Bree is intelligent and insightful. She enjoys working with leaders who are seeking to explore new ways of bring the gospel to their community. In essence that’s what Micro Movements is about – catalyzing, supporting, and equipping the emerging grassroots movement of leaders who are multiplying disciples. More information here;

Amanda Saenz and New Thing Oceania
I also have the privilege of serving alongside Amanda Saenz and the growing New Thing Oceania team. Amanda is a pastor, leader and deeply passionate about local churches reaching their community, making disciples and planting churches, that plant more churches. New Thing provide a framework to catalyze the multiplication of disciples, leaders, churches, networks and movements. They have developed the Movement System that is bearing fruit on six continents. It’s not another ‘’American thing!” The Oceania team are available to help the Australia church multiply. For more information contact
Nic Mackay and NAYBA Australia
I serve on the National Advisory Council with my friend Nic Mackay. As National Director, Nic is strategic, relational, and intelligent. His previous roles with Global Citizen, Common Grace and CIVICUS bear testimony to his leadership ability. Formerly known as Cinnamon Network, NAYBA helps churches transform neighbourhoods. They discover best practice models of church-designed community projects and make them accessible to local churches. They also measure the impact faith-based organisations are having upon their city or region. They compile the research into an Impact Audit with infographs and statistics, which articulate to local civic and government authorities the effectiveness and necessity of faith-based organisations. Learn more here